Publish and distribute a neighborhood newsletter

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Browse top headlines and local news and add them to your newsletter
Rate your favorites or flag articles as funny, interesting, educational, etc...

Invite neighbors

Invite the people you know to engage with the newsletter digitally.
The digital engagement will determine which articles are featured in the summary AND entice other neighbors to check it out!

Print and distribute 1 page summaries (optional)

Some of our publishers are printing 20 - 200 copies of their newsletter and distributing them door-to-door, or dropping them off at little libraries in their neighborhood.
A digital only newsletter works...a physical newsletter is an effective technique for recruiting more readers

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See how many people scanned the QR codes on your newsletter

Community leaders can save journalism

STOP complaining. Start asking WHAT can I do?

Start a newsletter

Create a neighborhood newsletter

Summarize articles

Join hundreds of other community journalists and summarize the top headlines